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Registration is open for Online Masters Programs!

Transfer Students

Transfer Students


  • All applicants seeking enrollment to the Institute of Brain Education must be at least 18 years of age;

  • Must be a graduate with a conferred Bachelor degree or equivalent from an accredited institution;

  • Official transcripts must be provided from all higher education institutions prior to matriculation;

  • Provide a short essay explaining the candidate’s educational and professional background; why the candidate has an interest to transfer to the Institute of Brain Education; what their professional goals are after the completion of the program; and how this degree will be used to support and enhance their future goals;

  • Complete an Application for Enrollment;

  • Submit the $200.00 Application Fee;

  • Complete an interview with the Admissions prior to enrollment.

  • To obtain a course transfer, the applicant must supply official transcripts for prior coursework and complete course descriptions to the Admissions Department at the time of his/her interview. The Program Director will determine any transfer credits to be awarded. To qualify for a course transfer, the prior course should be completed within the past 5 years and passed with a grade of “B” or better. Applicants will be notified in writing of transfer credit to be awarded. This is the final assessment of credit to be transferred and no additional credit will be given after the program has begun.

Course Credit Transfer

Acceptance of transfer credit from approved, accredited institutions is often dependent on the pertinence of the work to the degree program being pursued. Coursework that lies outside the scope of the degree program is not necessarily applicable for degree credit.

IBE offers a maximum of 15 credit hours (or 50% of the 30 total credit hours required for a master’s degree) through transfer credit.  IBE offers a maximum of 6 credit hours (or ~25% of the total credit hours required for a master’s degree) for experiential learning.

IBE evaluates prior learning through other institutions by evaluating coursework for equivalency.  Courses must be from an approved, accredited institution, relevant to the program of study and equivalent in both content and degree level. Equivalency of coursework must have been completed in the past 5 years and match 70% of the IBE coursework to be awarded credit.  Materials used to evaluate coursework equivalency may include course syllabus, learning outcomes, textbooks, etc.  A grade of “B” or better must have been achieved to be considered for transfer credit. Students are required to provide all requested information for transfer credit evaluation.


IBE evaluates experiential learning through individualized assessment of a student portfolio of prior learning.  To be granted course credit for experiential learning, students must submit a portfolio of prior work that demonstrates course learning outcomes have been achieved through prior experience.  This may include course certificates, submission of project work, letter of work and outcomes achieved by previous work managers, etc.

The request for acceptance of credits taken prior to matriculation in a graduate program at IBE must be made at the time of application for admission to the program.

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